
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Celebration of New Zealand Football

Congratulations the All Whites! The celebratory parade started its life at 12.30 at parliament today and snaked its way toward civic center in Wellington. This was alittle underwhelming on the paradeness to be honest. It consisted of a few samba type dances and floats that players from Boca Juniors*, Phoenix and All White players sat aloft, eventually converging on civic square. Here the teams were meet by a red carpet Esq entrance, whilst cannons erupted confetti over them and the crowed. This seemed to be a highlight for the children who jumped madly in the falling confetti. Whilst giraffes in white lady costumes ungainly yet somehow gracefully twirled about, maneuvering through the crowed of people they towered above. Wellingtons beautiful and famous were out to give praise to the teams. Especially the All Whites for there heroic performance at the world cup, being the only team to not succumb to a loss. Among them was Wellingtons Mayor Kerry Prendergast, Prime Minster John Key, All White and Pheonix coach Ricky Herbert and the Boca Junior representative, and I apologise that I did not get his name. A few more blasts of joy spraying confetti into the faces of the children who now adorned the the cannons and the MC announced that signings and photos with the players would commence. He then mentioned that they are pleased to sign any part of anatomy presented. After briefly considering getting a man boob signing from Bertos I made my leave. All and all the parade , the fans cheering them on and lining the street was I suspect an eye watering sight for New Zealand football. The Fans I believe weren't so concerned with the parade, they just wanted to see there football heroes. The sport that had kids cleverly labeled Soccer fags at my high school was having its time in the limelight, so called “Football fever” In a rugby dominated country. this is the type of hype the sport needs. Go The Phoenix! who are playing Boca Junior this Friday at the Westpac stadium in Wellington.

*The Boca Football club is part of Argentine Football history. It was founded in 1905. And is a world class club.


Green man fans run wildly through Wellington streets as part of the parade.

Leo Bertos thumbs up photo Op from the All Whites float during the parade in Wellington

A morose looking Boca Junior team in today's parade in Wellington.

Defeated Netherlands team look gutted in the parade to celebrate the All Whites in Wellington today.

Very convincing lady costume

Boca Junior players showered in confetti as they walk through civic square in Wellington today.

Children playing in confetti cannons at the parade in Wellington

All White and Phoenix coach Ricky Herbert Talks about New Zealand Football and its supporters.

The fun is over, For now.

Written and photographed by nathanael gordon